Here are the events that are going on this year at Humber:
Weekly Electronics meetings for Arduino/Raspberry Pi & hardware – or – Electronics repair – or – Tutoring (Every Friday Afternoon from 12-6 in J233A)
Programming Competition prep (Every Friday from 10-12 AM in J233A)
IEEEtreme 17.0 October 28th. WE NEED A TEAM to WIN AGAIN. You have to be an IEEE member to join
Women IN Engineering (WIE) Professor Raji is setting this up now. Aiming for Thursday afternoons in J232/J233.
National Engineering Month (NEM) – March every year. We need people to get that going again.
Hackathon – We need people to get this running again!
Industry Tours – We can set this up again when there is enough students interested.
Amateur Radio Certification Study – Every Saturday from 8-10pm in Zoom. Free to join. CEU/PDH certification is available upon completion for a small fee. Email or for more info.